The most efficient means of transporting household goods is by taking advantage of a professional moving company in Baton Rouge. Not only are moving experts efficient, but they can get your material possessions delivered to your new home in the same condition they left. Moving teams are trained to work together and are given the run down on every job before they arrive.
When a moving team arrives to your door, you expect that they will know what they are in for. Your moving team will ask you for direction on things they are uncertain about and will make sure that all the proper technique is executed when handling your things. Make sure to provide the specifics of your home to the agent you speak with on the day you receive a quote.
Important Things to Know About Moving
• Professional moving companies are required to give written estimates.
• Reputable moving companies give binding estimates.
• Non-binding estimates are typically lower than the final total.
• As a consumer, you are allowed to request specific delivery dates, but these dates may or may not be available.
• You have the right to be present any time your goods are weighed
• Make sure to create a packing list and give a copy of it to your mover
• Make sure to be present on ship day and on the scheduled delivery date.
Things a Moving Professional Can Do for You
A moving company makes moving much less stressful on consumers by taking control of all the hard labor. Not only can they transport your goods, but they can package and unload them as well. A moving company can offer the proper amount of manpower that is required in order to get a move done right.
Essential Items for Moving
• First Aid Kit
• Packing Paper
• Boxes
• Foam SheetsIntersta
• Bubble Wrap
• Packing Tape
• Permanent Markers
• Labels
• Colored Tabs
• Utility Knife
When it comes to boxes, make sure that you use new boxes for items that are valuable or fragile. You can save money by getting boxes from super markets and liquor stores, but there might be remnants left behind of what was in the box prior to you picking it up. You can also use blankets, sheets and pillows to help protect your items.