When you are trying to find a moving company in Indianapolis, make sure to gather critical information that will be included into the final cost. If you have never moved before, you might be wondering how moving companies calculate a quote. Not every moving company charges the same price for all of their services. By doing a little research, you can learn about the deals in Indianapolis and compare prices.
How to Move Jewelry Properly
Jewelry is usually considered to be items of extraordinary value. In most cases, your professional mover will suggest that you transport precious metals and gems with a personal vehicle. The best way to pack jewelry is to place the jewelry inside of their original boxes. Once they are in their original packaging, place them into a secure container or jewelry box and wrap it in bubble wrap.
Being on Time for the Date of Delivery
Your professional movers cannot proceed with the drop off unless the person who signed the contract is present. One common reason people fail to meet their mover on the delivery date is because they fail to plan their route. Often times, if you are moving to a city you will encounter busier streets.
If it is possible, you should have a practice run of the route you will take before the day of transportation. This way, you can get familiarized with your new area and know where to park the moving truck. Your belongings might be transported to a temporary storage facility if you cannot meet with the movers on the scheduled date of delivery.
Moving Into an Apartment
Always check with management of your building about their moving policies. Many apartment buildings require advance notice so that they can prepare for your arrival as well. Typically, management will not allow you to use their elevators for hauling furniture up to higher levels. If your apartment building has a service elevator available, ask if you can reserve it for the date of delivery.
Is a Moving Company Responsible for Damaged Goods?
The only time a moving company can be held responsible for damages or lost items is if the consumer purchased insurance for their household goods. A moving company has a standard insurance policy, but this is rarely enough to cover full replacement value for the cargo. Make sure to document the condition of you items to support your case in the event of an accident.