Pay Attention, Lit Lovers: Packing Your Books Safely
How To Pack Your Books For An Interstate Move
Every item in your home should be as easy to pack as books. They are all relatively the same size, right? It should be as simple as a game of Tetris: pack box-shaped items in the box, make sure those items are relatively well-insulated, and repeat until your bookshelves are empty.
However, there are difficulties when it comes to packing those books correctly during a cross country move.
Your first consideration is the weight of your books. When packed together, the heft of a box of books is considerable; making a good case for purchasing that Kindle you have been eying. Pack your books in smaller boxes to prevent box-bursting and damage to your items.
The second consideration for those books is damage. Many movers fail to consider insulating the books inside the box. As the box is moved around, the spines will become damaged. In addition, books at the bottom of the box may become damaged by the weight of the books above them. Remember to add packing paper at the bottom of your box, as well as adding paper between layers of books inside the box to prevent scuffing and damage. Pack the heavy books at the bottom and the light ones at the top, ensuring your books will make it to your new home in sterling condition.